' Those are dark clouds said the boy. 'Yes they will move on' Said the house- Charlie Mackesy As we start the new government restrictions it is really important to look after our wellbeing and mental health. This might start to feel more difficult as the evenings get darker but there is plenty for you to do inside that will support your wellbeing. Head space is a great app for this that you can download onto your phone to give you some space at the start of the end of the day. There is cost but you can get a free trail to see if you like it first. Another way to continue to look after yourself is to make sure you make time for yourself whether that be baking, cooking, sewing, drawing or going for a dog walk you need to make sure you make time during the day to do these. Some of you might want to use this time to start making some handmade presents as for Christmas or just to show someone that are thinking about them. We would like to challenge you over the next 30 days to...
Chapter 3 Tommo Reads Chapter 3 tells us all about how Maxwell found Monster, read by the very captivating Ms Little. Have your opinions on Maxwell changed during this chapter? Why do you think he was allowed to keep him? Have you ever rescued an animal? Let us know your thoughts!